Site icon Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

Hockey time in the city

It’s hockey time!
The Vancouver Canucks officially started their playoffs series tonight and I had the option of either watching my boys (Ryan Kesler, need I say more) on the 50-inch plasma or the cruddy ol’ tube TV in the gym downstairs. I opted for the 50-inch, which means no gym.
I had full intentions, well ok, maybe only partial intentions, of doing weights tonight, but the drive home took forever (everyone was probably going to the game) and by the time I got home I was exhausted and famished. I also had the upstairs of the condo to clean, and laundry to do, and thoughts of baking a rhubarb tart for tomorrow night’s dessert. I know, I know, excuses, excuses. But hey, I’m not gonna sweat it – get it 😉 – a girl needs a down day every once in awhile.
Today was my down day … come to think of it, tomorrow might actually be a down day too, but back to it on Saturday with morning yoga and then a nice, long bike ride with Mario in the afternoon.
Oh, and regarding the tart, didn’t quite get that done either, but hey, don’t blame me, blame the boys for going into sudden death overtime. Guess we’ll be eating some sort of store-bought dessert tomorrow, maybe we’ll have the rhubarb for Saturday … if I can muster up the energy!
I signed up for a YouTube account today and finally uploaded the slideshow I did for Mario just before Christmas. It’s a Princess Christmas Wishlist.

Back to the game I go – GO CANUCKS GO!!!

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