Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

New York, New Yorrrrrrrk

Well folks, I’ve picked up my backup insulin, test strips and sugar tablets (half stored in my suitcase, half stored in my carry on (just in case one gets lost)) and my bags are packed and I’m ready to go.

Let's go already!

My laptop will be coming with me but I’m guessing that my days and nights will likely be far too jam packed with friend visits and sightseeing and yummy eats and David Letterman (yep, we got tickets – and it’s a good thing Mario answered the phone because I so would not have known the answer to the skill-testing question) and Broadway, and shopping in SoHo, and lunch dates, and dinner dates, and walking across the Brooklyn Bridge, and, this so deserves a double mention, visits with long-missed friends! Hey, it’s the Big Apple, how could I not be busy?

So enjoy the week without me and be prepared for an NYC recap upon my Saturday return.

¡Hasta Luego amigos!

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