I know I’ve said it before, but it doesn’t matter how many times I do it, I am always filled with shaking-of-the-head thoughts on how it’s just not normal for people to get up as early as Mario and I have been the last few weeks … granted, I’ve only been doing it one day of the week, whereas he’s been putting in five to seven days of god-awful early mornings. And when I say early, I’m talking about 3:30 and 4:30 early! Not normal, nope, not at all.

Mario had already been up for an hour watching the mountainous stage of the Tour when I managed to drag myself out of bed at 4:30. Hello early morning run day, I really haven’t missed you. I was pretty groggy leaving the condo, hardly able to manage even so much as a wave to Mario … hey, it was still dark out, give me a break here. But the funniest thing happened shortly after I started running that jolted me, like a good ol’ Mountain Dew, out of my sleepiness.
I had spotted a black cat sitting tall, just like the one in the Le Chat painting. And given that it was so early, I started thinking bad superstitious thoughts – and I’m not even superstitious! I kept going and tried not to look at her, but as soon as I passed her, all of a sudden she started running alongside me. Are you kidding me? This cat totally thought she was a greyhound. And I thought, wow, what a great picture. So I grabbed my camera, turned it on, and nothing – the battery was dead 🙁
I gave Super Fast Super Cat a pat and continued on my way. She kept pace for about 100 metres, before turning back … hopefully we’ll meet again.
- 4:30 a.m. BG before: 7.7 (1/2 larabar, no bolus)
- Temp. basal – 30 per cent
- Distance: 6 km (tempo)
- Average pace: 6:14
- Time: 37:41
- 5:45 a.m. BG after: 8.0 (correction bolus)
I felt pretty good on the run, although following Sunday’s 19k, my body has been a little on the stiff side to say the least – even my arms. And although the stiffness didn’t give me a bother through the run, I think it may have been accentuated post run, especially in my thighs. Really hoping for a stiff-free day tomorrow.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve encountered while running?