Ahhh the sweet smells of baking, one of the best scents in the world. As I sit here typing this entry, the smell of fresh tarts is wafting all through my condo, and is hovering most noticeably right under my nose. I love baking, but I’ve always been the kind of baker who, uhm, doesn’t exactly have much patience. Although, after going green in the face and sour in the belly a few too many times, I no longer lick the mixing spoons, or full on eat chunks of raw cookie dough. But now, I’m like a five-year-old next to her easy bake oven peering through the glass, watching it rise, watching it bake, drool dripping…
We’ve got a group of friends coming for dinner tomorrow, two of which traveled all the way from New York just to see us (okay, maybe not just us). So I decided to put on my best Martha Stewart hat and go to town. However, I was faced with a dilemma, what do I bake? I don’t like to brag (okay, that was a lie, yes I do) but it turns out I’m a pretty awesome baker! And I had a few requests for past concoctions that included the Juniors’ cheesecake I made last month, and also a German plum tart that I made last year. But I had my eyes set on making a summer fruit lavender tart, which I’ve never made. So, what did I decide?

I also made one of the remaining two options, but ran out of time to complete it for a photo before watching a movie: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo = sooooo good! Aside from being like 5 hours long … I’m sure you’ll hear more of my distaste for movies beyond 1.5 hours as the blogging continues. I know I could just tell you what I made, but what would the fun be in that? You’re just gonna have to wait for me to post a photo of it in my next blog 😉
And now, I’m watching the clock, counting down the hours before I can start gobbling them down. Just around 19 more hours left to go. Salivating … yum!
It wasn’t just sweets that I was cooking up today, though. I started out making a batch of from-scratch pancakes, but they weren’t breakfast pancakes, oh no, they’re running pancakes. After last Sunday’s washroom debacle, I decided I needed to try something new, and so, I’ve taken the plunge into my massage therapist’s (who’s a crazy intense runner himself) suggestion of taking along sand-dollar-sized pancakes.

A non-running taste test scored majorly high marks from both Mario and I. They tasted like yummy biscuits that you’d only find freshly baked at grandmas! Here’s a link to the recipe I used, but because I have a slight allergy to milk (or maybe it’s just a major disgust of milk) I switched out dairy milk for soy milk. I’m hoping they won’t spike up my blood sugars, and that once I’ve run say 15k, I won’t look at them like I do bananas at the same distance – with a feeling of puke climbing up my throat. Fingers are crossed.
What’s your favourite summer dessert?
Katie I made a Rhubard upside down cake yesterday from scratch and you will love the recipe and we have the rhubard in the garden…..
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