Site icon Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

Feet don’t fail me now

Tomorrow I look ahead to the future. Today, I reflect on the year past. It was surprisingly a spectacular year, given that it started out a little on the glass half empty side. Shortly after we rang in the new year, I was sidelined by injury while training for the Historic Half in Fort Langley and had to “graciously” bow out of the race. I was angry, frustrated, heart-broken, and had been in that very same place a short year before. My wallowing and grumbling didn’t last too long though. The Olympics – and Alexender Ovechkin! – helped make sure of that 😉 And because my goal of becoming a marathoner had never once wavered, those months that I was off running were used to transform my body into a better-functioning machine.

It was a year of travel, family bonding, love, new friends, old friends, blogging, and lots and lots of running. And while 2009 could have easily been summed up with Shawn Colvin’s Never Saw Blue Like That (mine and Mario’s wedding song) for 2010, I would lean more towards Kanye West’s Jesus Walks, most noteably the line: The only thing that I pray is that my feet don’t fail me now.

What song would best describe your 2010?


I’m sure hoping today’s loosen-me-up-for-tomorrow’s-race run is an omen for many 2011 runs to come. It was only a short distance, but everything just kind of fell into place perfectly. My blood sugars were perfect, the weather was perfect, and the super tight calves that have been trying to debilitate me for the past couple of weeks loosened right up with no pains whatsoever during the run or after the run. Here’s hoping for many more perfect runs to come!

Happy New Year’s Eve Friends!

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