Site icon Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

Fear and loathing in Princess Town

I’m tired of people telling me I can’t run. I’m tired of them telling me to be patient. I’m tired of them telling me they know what I’m going through. I’m tired of seeing them excitedly boast about their glorious runs on Facebook. I’m tired of not feeling any pain and yet not being able to run. I’m tired of worrying about the mileage I’m missing. And I’m tired of the fact I’m not running being thrown in my face every freaking which way I turn!

This is what greeted me on my way into Bed Bath and Beyond this afternoon … all I wanted were some freaking towels, not a slap in the face!

It’s been three weeks since my sneakers last hit the pavement, three weeks since I got that nasty call about the stress fracture, three weeks since my running peeps kept on running without me, three weeks of hell. So uhm, I’m just going to throw this out there, I want to run. Did you get that? I want to freaking well run.

When I woke up this morning at 20 minutes after 8, 10 minutes before my favourite running chicks were to depart on their scheduled 29k run, the fact that I wasn’t running belted me right in the face. I’ve been doing pretty good up until now, handling this obstacle fairly well, sure it’s been hard, but I’ve been keeping busy with pilates, stints on the trainer, and jogging it out in the pool. But then there was yesterday. As I was walking to my hair appointment, in my Lulu Lemon track pants and sneakers (not even the sneakers I run in) I suddenly had this super strong urge to start running, like full on running, and it took almost everything I had to force myself not to.

And then I started thinking, why exactly aren’t I running? I haven’t felt pain or tenderness in my ankle/shin in over six weeks. Oh right, because my doctor who’s not a runner and my physio who also is not a runner told me not to. Brilliant. But hey, in just a few days I get to go for a 3 km run, awesome … note the sarcasm!


Needless to say, today was the perfect day to whip up a batch of my fail-proof, pick-me-up, crunchy on the outside, super soft on the inside chocolate, chocolate chip pudding cookies.


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