Fire! Fire! Shins on fire!

I almost didn’t make it, was totally going to quit, my shins were screaming at me to stop, burning like they were a pig on a spit, and I’d only gone 1.5 km – this was not going to be a good run. It didn’t help that it was preceded by a major traffic jam on the highway that took me an hour and 15 minutes to get from the office to my brother’s house; a drive that should have only taken 20 minutes.

Why are we paving the highway at rush hour?

As mentioned yesterday I had planned on running 10 km, but my legs had other ideas. They wanted to lie on the couch, or soak in the tub, or even sit at the blogging desk – they did not want to run. And if the shins on fire weren’t bad enough, my form was majorly off. I was slapping my feet, not even the music coming from my ear buds could drown out that clomping, and I was going all bird like craning my head forward and with my shoulders creeped up to my ears. At 3.3 km in, with sweat dripping out of my jacket and with an average pace that my grandma could do, I was ready to throw the towel in. I stopped my Garmin, took off my mitts (why am I still wearing mitts in April???) and jacket, and stretched out my legs. And then I started thinking, I’m still going to have to run another 3.3 km to get back to my brother’s house, what’s another 4.5 km really? Have I mentioned, I ain’t no quitter.

I headed towards Clayburn Village, a historic village that came into being with its brick plant in the early 1900s and still fashions itself after those turn-of-the-century times with old brick buildings, open gardens and white picket fences.

I’m glad I kept going. Pretty much as soon as I started to run again, the shin flames had seemingly been doused and I was good to go. So good, I was booking it without really noticing, which helped bring my average pace back down to a respectable digit – and the way back had like 5 hills! And not piddly hills, oh no, running back up from Clayburn Village is like climbing the Mt. Ventoux (okay, maybe not that steep but it’s freaking steep) three back-to-back hills with nary a flatline for recovery! Good thing I like hills 😀


  • 6:15 p.m. BG before: 11.1
  • Temp. basal: -50 per cent (1.5 hours)
  • Distance: 10 km
  • Average pace: 6:22 min/km
  • Average heart rate: 162 bpm
  • Time: 1:03:52
  • 7:30 p.m. BG after: 5.6
  • Temp. basal: +50 per cent (1.5 hour)

Note: The shin pain had nothing to do with my recently healed stress fracture, it wasn’t that kind of a pain. I am wondering, however, if it had anything to do with the fact I was wearing my compression socks underneath my compression tights, maybe they just got overly tight … or maybe they were still tired from Sunday’s run. Who knows, all I know is that my legs and feet are in desperate need of a massage!

Do you run with compression socks?

6 thoughts on “Fire! Fire! Shins on fire!”

  1. Peter Schofield

    Compression tights are the absolute best. I wear mine for several hours after a long run and suffer from very few aches and pains. I am sure that your shins were reminding you that you might and I repeat “might” have overdone it just a “little” on Sunday. Just saying 😉

  2. Burning shins, slapping feet, form all screwed up.
    Check! I get runs like that from time to time and they really piss me off. Usually things level out within a km or two but after 3.3 I would probably give up. Kudos to you! I agree with Peter, probably just a case of overdoing it.

    And no, I have never owned compression anything. I always feel like I’m missing something.

  3. I can’t run at all with compression on my legs. I ache all over when I try. I wear compression socks as part of recovery. Everyone likes different things and body responds differently.

  4. And you ran right past my house! Nope, I love spandex, but circulation cutting off-ness is a piss off when you’re trying to convince yourself to run!

  5. you should drop the headphones. The only way to fine tune a machine is to listen to it…this applies to human body. If you feel the pain in your shins you need to listen to you foot steps as you are probably hitting ground to unnaturally (hard). Either your calf muscles or anterior tibialis is tight. Need to stop, stretch those muscles and maybe give them a gentle rub (yeah, I know sound weird but what’s not weird about running or diabetes?). Continue running and concentrate on soft landing…you need to hear the soft landing 😉
    Seek softer surface when you can, asphalt is bad especially when coming back fro injury….best of luck

  6. You should of taken a pic of the farm on Clayburn Rd, you have great memories and stories from when you were a little girl!!! The owner still lives there!

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