Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

The final count down

Let the count down begin! In T – 12 hours my feet will be racing across that start line and will keep going for another four plus hours. Am I nervous? Nah. Excited? A little. Turns out my endless poking and prodding, urging and reminding (and maybe a little of the threatening to bring out the voodoo dolls) actually worked. I’m pretty sure, by the phone conversations, email back and forth and Facebook messages I’ve had in the last two days, a large contingent of my immediate family will be cheering me on at the Finish LIne. And that alone, along with Mario and Lappiere cheering me on at different locales, will keep me going, and will surely, even if it kills me, have me finishing with a smile. I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!

Today has been all about the preparations, clothing preparations, mental preparations (getting your hair done fits in that category right?) and food preparations.

Bringing back the racecakes

Gimme some figgy … newton???

I’ve never run on fig newtons before, but I’ve heard lots of good things about them from other runners, and because I’m pretty darn desperate for fuel options in light of my recent issues with the GU Dry Heaves, and because I’m pretty picky in what I feel comfortable eating while running (nothing gewy or sticky that might get stuck in my teeth and nothing sharp that might get caught in my throat – how unfortunate would that be?) I figured I’d give the newtons a go. They have more sugar than the GU, but less carbs. And keep in mind the serving size is for two cookies, which I know I will not be consuming all at once.

GU: Calories: 100. Carbs: 25g. Sugars: 5g.
Figs: (for 2): Calories: 90. Carbs: 21g. Sugars: 12g.

I have no idea how the fig newtons will affect my blood sugars, or how they’ll affect my belly, or if they’ll give me the fuel boost I’ll so desperately need. But, I’ve been testing them for two days now (with insulin) and I sure do like the taste 😀

And the final food prep of the day, my traditional pre-race/pre-Sunday run dinner (red wine not shown):

Tomorrow’s motto: Run like a kid. Finish with a smile.

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