So, I really don’t have much to say because I’ve been totally slacking off, like 100 per cent since racing my brother on Sunday and since the marathon before that. No running. No cycling. No pilates. I was supposed to do pilates on Monday, but had to cancel because of the Stanley Cup finals, and I was supposed to do them on Thursday too, but again had to cancel because well, I spotted a few greys on my head (The horror! The horror!) and am in desperate need of some hair stylist tender loving chemical care.
I suppose I could do pilates at home, or go aqua jogging at the pool, or go for a ride, but really, I just don’t want to. I’m kind of enjoying my evenings of no commitments, lounging on the couch, burying my nose in Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants biography, eating birthday ice cream cake (tonight is the last piece :() and just totally vegging out. I’m sure my future will have me running and cycling and aqua jogging and pilatesing soon enough, but for now I’m having way too much fun being lazy as heck … AND trying to figure out just how large I should blow this photo up:
And for those of you who didn’t catch my brother’s response to my last post, it was classic:
From SuperMatt:
Just a few notes from the other side of this story:
1. Why the hell weren’t the nipple band-aids given prior to the race? Seriously.
2. Nobody mentioned that stupid, never-ending hill. Not even a peep.
3. That is the best picture of me….EVER.
4. My shoes DID NOT feel like slippers and they DID NOT fit like a glove.
5. Katie is most definitely a Rockstar. I wouldn’t have come close to the time I did if it weren’t for her pushing me through. So proud of you Kate.
Until we meet again……just heading out for a run. 😛
I especially liked the part about me being a rockstar!