Sometimes you just need a good rant. Following Tuesday’s blog blowup, my knee had no pressure tension on Wednesday, and guess where I was today: Back at the pool! Yippee! (Never once thought I’d be jumping for joy to be returning to the germ-infested pool, but these, my friends, are desperate days. Germs be damned.)
When I felt no knee pressure yesterday, I was skeptical, but then when I woke up this morning to Day 2 of no knee pressure, I was ecstatic. So, I figured I’d head to the pool for aqua jogging, the least impactive workout on my list of workouts. I wasn’t sure how long I’d last, and I kept worrying that I’d feel a twang of pressure, but one lap, two laps, three laps, 25 laps later and no pressure. Yippee!
So what does this mean? I’m coming back baby! But slowly. Very, very slowly. I’ll either hit the pool again tomorrow or the bike trainer, and then the bike trainer for sure on Saturday and Sunday, and pilates on Monday and Thursday. I’m not quite so confident to go great guns with the running just yet. I’ll probably try a short run sometime next week and if all goes well, increase the mileage up again – interspersed with the cross training of course. That’s the plan. Let’s see how well I stick to it 😉
- 5:30 p.m. BG before: 12.1
- Temp. basal: -100 per cent (1 hour)
- Time: 42 minutes
- Distance: 25 laps
- 6:45 p.m. BG after: 14.3 (yikes!)
- Temp. basal: +50 per cent (0.5 hours)
This was the first time I’ve actually counted laps and I kept looking at the clock to see how long it took me to complete a lap, and my god, I am slow. Twenty five laps took 42 minutes. On my way out of the pool, I ran into my favourite ironchickie who was swimming laps in the fast lane. I didn’t ask her how many she did, but I’m pretty sure she more than octupled my total! Like I said, slowly coming back. (That’s my story, I’m sticking with it :D)
Few great things that have happened this week:
1. My BG has seriously been so perfect (until this afternoon). Day after day I was recording readings in the 5s and 6s, which is so totally perfect. On average, I’m pretty great with my blood sugars, but I almost always have a low interspersed somewhere in the mix and sometimes even an unexplainable high. But for the past seven days, it was across the board perfection. No lows. No highs. Just perfect. So what happened today? I don’t exactly know, but I’m blaming the rather large half apple I ate at lunch, which I probably fudged up the carb counts on. Dammit!
That would be my new necklace around my neck. Eeeeeee!
3. I bought a Glamour magazine today, which usually isn’t in my mix of magazine purchases (I’m more a Marie Claire kind of reader) but one of my New York girls Caitlin, who I love to pieces (even if she did once incessantly throw grapes at me with an evil cackle) is now on staff at Glamour – as editorial assistant! – and writing for it, which means I will now be a regular subscriber. So, so, so proud of her!
This was taken last year when the Three Katies were reunited in New York after 8 years of not seeing each other.
4. And then when I got home tonight, I got a letter, a real letter my friends, from my other New York Katie favourite (see picture above). For years we’d write super long emails to each other every few months, and then a little over two years ago, somehow we started writing real letters. I love real letters! There’s just something way more intimate about them, finding the right time and the right place to open them, slowly taking in every handwritten word, relishing their contents, and then storing them away to be re-read years later. (I still have a box of letters I got from friends I met at camp so many years ago.) Who said snail mail’s dead?
What’s putting a smile on your face this week?