Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

Trainer trials and tribulations

Good golly I can’t believe I used to do this for up to an hour, even an hour and a half, at a time!

Little Ring: “Tall person with boobies, why are you riding your contraption inside???

After more than 9 months off the bike, Big Ring pulled Zing out of storage, dusted off the cobwebs, polished her up a bit, and pumped up her tires in preparation for our long-awaited reunion.

I’d love to say it was a good one, but as has always been the case, when Zing’s shackled to the bike trainer, it’s more a chore than anything. The bike trainer is nothing like those spring/summer/warm fall days spent in the elements, pedalling hard up the Camosunburg (which isn’t so burg anymore since its repaving this summer), feeling the warm wind whip at my face as I zoom down to Spanish Banks, taking in the scenic views of the city all around me. When I’m outside, the last thing I’m thinking about is getting off my dear bike, but when I’m on the trainer, it’s the first thing on my mind. My brain is crazy ADD on the trainer, I’m watching the clock, feeling the heat build in me, the sweat drip off me, counting down the seconds as they slowly tick-tock, tick-tock before me.

Somehow, before pregnancy, I had managed to figure out a way of going for an hour or more, normally by pedalling through an episode of True Blood, or by watching an inspiring tale of the cyclists I do so love (read: drool over) like Chasing Legends or The Leadville 100, but for some reason, this time around, I thought Amazing Race could get me through my first ride back.

I should have known.

First off, Amazing Race has commercials, which even with the fast forward of the PVR break the concentration. Second, Amazing Race doesn’t have the crazy, holy-crap-did-that-really-just-happen scenes that True Blood has, which take my mind off the pedals, or the cockiness of Mark Cavendish that keeps me amused, or the super strong, yet super creepy legs of George Hincapie, or the drool-worthy looks of Andy Schleck (and the drive and force of these men on their bikes too) that keep me going strong. Nope. While Amazing Race does have picturesque scenery, it unfortunately, more often than not, focuses on the annoying antics of the contestants, which seem a helluva lot more annoying on the trainer.

My first go, I managed 35 minutes and I thought I was gonna die after just 10. The second go, I figured I’d give How I Met Your Mother a try, but that too was a no-go. I then looked to New Girl (the funniest non-cable show around), but again, it failed miserably in keeping my cycling focus. So, this evening my friends, I am happy to report, I smartened the heck up, and stuck True Blood into the drive. 45 MINUTES BABY!!!


Now, I’ve just got to once again figure out my basal settings for the trainer.

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