Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

26 years of Dear Diabetes

About 30 years ago I had a dream. In my future, I wanted to be a doctor and an author. The author part was natural; I loved reading and I loved making up stories. But the doctor, well, that was the more the evil meanderings of a younger sister 😀

You see, my big sister Jules is nine years older than me, and back then (and sometimes still) she was always the boss! Jules, at the time, had great notions of becoming a nurse, and me, at just five or six years old, already knew doctor trumped nurse. Finally I’d be the boss. Mwahahaaaa!

Fast forward a few years to the day I got diabetes. It didn’t take long to change my mind about wanting to become a doctor, what with the long hospital stays, trips to the ER, endless amounts of blood-sucking needle jabs. No thank you.

Thanks for that Dear Diabetes.

Note: I was diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes 26 years ago today, on Aug. 23, 1987; the same day as my big sister’s birthday. Do you think she hexed me 😉

Happy Birthday Jules!!! Now that’s something to celebrate! Heart!


This, too, was also worth celebrating – best post-run tuna waldorf and chocolate chip cookie EVER!

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