Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

This is me listening

When the running community tells you don’t run, you don’t run.

Our community is a pretty hardcore community. We run in all weather, super hot, humid temperatures, torrential downpours, snow, sleet, hail; we run in the wee hours of the morning and the late hours of the evening; we run when we’re miserable; we run when we’re sad; we run when we’re hurting, physical pain shooting through all regions of our body, and we’re still out there. And when we’re sick, eyes watering, stuffy nose, sore throat sick, we run.

But the chest, that’s another story.

I’ve known the rule for years: anything below the neck, stay home. But sometimes, I need a reminder. Like, you know, after battling a persistent cold for a month, and already missing out on a week of running due to said cold, and being miserable, stuck inside, feeling frumpy, worrying about the missed mileage, and knowing that a good run will make me feel better. At least, mentally.

But there’s this cough. This persistent hacking, core convulsing, green phlegmy cough.  Stupid cough.

I had every intention of running today. 90 minutes. 16 km give or take. The weather was supposed to be beautiful. I was excited. I could feel the endorphins last night getting ready to shoot happy goodness through my veins. I wasn’t even thinking about the cough until Big Ring started questioning whether it wise I do it, concern written all over his face every time he asked “Are you sure you should be running?”


To ease his concern, I went to my running community, which consists of high achieving runners, veteran runners, favourite runners, super smart runners, so sure they would side with me. They did not. Sixteen comments on Facebook, three on Twitter – all but one said no 🙁

Just a few of the coments

Like I said, when the running community says no, you listen. Strength training it was.

GIVEAWAY UPDATE: The drumroll please… The winners of the four-pack of 50 sheet Diabetic Dabs are…

Johanna B and Jennifer please email me your addresses and I will get the Dabs in the mail ASAP.

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