That time of year

Humidity: I went out for a run today; the first in over a week. Two seconds in I was a hot, sweaty, sticky, icky mess:


Swarms: There were bugs, oh yes, lots and lots of bugs. Sticking to my face, finding their way into my eyes, up my nose, down my throat. Protein!

People: Oh people. Despite the torrential downpour just a couple hours earlier, the people and their dogs were out in masses at the first blink of the sun. Which, in itself, not a huge deal. But when they walk around with entitlement and disregard for everyone else around them, it, well, it kind of makes me want to pretend I don’t see them and just kind of, you know, barrel right through them. I may have anger management issues 😉

Restart: Today’s run, I left my ipod and Garmin at home. I’ve done this a few times over the years, not often, but a few, generally when I’m feeling the need for a recharge. I wanted to feel the run, hear the run, experience the run. I didn’t want to be encumbered by the pace displayed on my Garmin or a song that just isn’t working for me. I. Just. Wanted. To. Run.


Run: 5 km. A pretty decent clip if my insulin pump time – and huffing – was any indication. Good blood sugars start to finish. And a smile.



Hair: I chopped it all off. Let me just say, holy freaking hell is it ever easy to prepare for a run these days. No tight ponytails. No fussing over headbands. Just a hat.

And crazy, spazzed out hair underneath.


Final note: 2 things. 1) Yes, those are bugs stuck all over my face and forehead! 2) My hair looks MUCH better when it hasn’t been stuffed under a cap for 5 km!

2 thoughts on “That time of year”

  1. pretty awesome post. The pictures are great and I do so love the short hair. I’ve had it short so many times. I love it and hate it.

    Also, after getting home from my ride on Saturday and de-clothing for a shower I had a swarm of dead bugs all stuck to my booby sweat. I probably swallowed a few too.

  2. Hey I have that tank top 🙂 Loving the hair! And nice work on the run, those sweaty humid runs are always tough, but feel so good after. I like the thought of bugs being protein instead of just icky things that get stuck in my teeth.

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