It’s taken a few years, and a few practice tumbles, and a whole lot of curses, but it seems I have finally mastered the art of falling. Believe me, that’s something to be proud of.

Five years ago, the pavement attacked and I bailed, taking out both my elbows and knees.
Three years ago, the speed bump (in an area I might add that gets NO vehicle traffic) grabbed my leg forcing me to dive forward with arms full force ahead, screwing up my shoulder; still screwed today.
But yesterday, when that bloody jerkface of a tree trunk came at me, and I knew about a quarter of the way into the attack I was going down, I tucked my arm in, silently cursed the devil, and braced for the gravel rash to come. And what do you know, I came out of it alive; no broken bones (hello snowboarding 2003); pump was banged up but still working; no ripped clothes, only one tiny rip of the hand, a blood blister on the other hand, and a few minor scrapes on my elbow and hip. SUCCESS!!!
That was like a grade A, I’m talking 89% kind of fall. Practice, my friends, makes perfect. (Let’s ignore the puss-filled spot on my hand hours later why don’t we!)
• 8:45 a.m. BG before: 6.7
• Carbs: 1/2 cup homemade applesauce with matcha (no bolus)
• Temp. basal: -70 per cent (1 hour)
• Time: 65 minutes — easy
• Distance: 11.40 km
• Average pace: 5:47 min/km
• 10 a.m. BG after: 5.4
• Temp. basal: +70% 1.5 hours