Katie Bartel, Registered Dietitian

A day for family… and sport nutrition

A couple months ago I was shopping for a sports bra at the Running Room, when the manager came over to me and asked if I was a dietitian.

Erm, no, I replied – wondering how the heck she even knew I was in the last throes of my dietetics education.

Disappointingly, she did not have telepathy; turns out I was wearing my UBC dietetics hoody while shopping.

Anyway, she asked if I’d be interested in speaking to some of their clinics about nutrition. And right away my face lit up.

If you’ve been with me for the long haul here, you know I’m a stalwart advocate for all things diabetes, sport with diabetes, sport nutrition, and overall nutrition.

Chatting with a group of runners about nutrition most certainly falls into that advocacy domain!

Yesterday was my first talk. It was for a learn-to-run, 5 km clinic. I touched on the basics:

I think it went well. They asked a lot of questions, not just running nutrition questions, but nutrition in general questions, and I loved that I was able to confidently answer them.

Plus, it gave me an opportunity to build yet another sport nutrition resource for my repertoire 😀

2training-for-5_44314255In other news, yesterday was also Family Day here in BC.

Family Day officially became a provincial BC holiday in 2013.

And you better be sure I’ve been faithfully celebrating ever since 😀

These guys, they’re my family.

They’re my love.

They’re my everything.

                    This was us from a couple of years ago. I love how our love was so beautifully captured!                          Photo courtesy of David Eklof Photography

Happy families to you all!

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