Last Friday was the last day of quarantine for my family and I.
It was also the day I found out my summer fondo had been cancelled due to Covid-19, and the day I informed my running partner that we’d have to suspend our together runs in an effort to maintain social distancing.
Covid-19 has put a wrench in to so many of our plans, hey.
For me, in addition to the above, it’s suspended my dietetics internship indefinitely, as well as cancelled a weekend retreat I was looking forward to presenting at. It’s also potentially put me in a position where I may have to home school my child, which neither of us are prepared for.
But, you know, as terrible as it is, it’s really opened my eyes to the amazingness of so many people in my community, and I’m sure in yours too.
When my son and I flew back from Arizona the day the Canadian government implored its citizens to self-quarantine for 14 days for any travel outside of country, my husband and I had a lot of concerns.
How were we going to manage this?
Did I have enough diabetes supplies to get me through the 14 days?
Did we have enough groceries to last two weeks?
Did we have enough books and activities to get us through so we weren’t scratching our eyeballs out in boredom?
How were we going to manage two people working (even though my internship has been suspended, I still have a research project to complete, and am also preparing for a webinar presentation), and a small child seeking attention in a 960 square foot loft without going at each other’s throats?
Our community saved us.
We had people regularly checking in to see if we needed groceries, or books, or book recommendations, or indoor exercise recommendations. My son’s school BFF and cousins Facetimed, making him feel as though he wasn’t alone. A few of my friends checked in on my mental health. One friend offered to drive a good hour to bring us things.
I am so thankful for all of that.
I am thankful that when we ran out of greens, tomatoes, snap peas, and oranges, we had a friend delivering them to our front door the next day.
I am thankful that when my son decided that quarantine was the time to fall in love with milk (seriously, I think we were going through a carton every 2 days) we were able to call on another friend and within a couple hours we had a new carton in our fridge.
I am thankful that when I noticed a number of our bulk foods diminishing, including my steel cut oats, chia seeds, almonds, and dried apricots that I use for low blood sugars, and I posted on Facebook asking if anyone was going to Galloways, a dear friend said she would if it would help us.
I am thankful for the stack of books a friend brought my boy and I to help ease the boredom the day before the libraries closed.
I am so incredibly thankful for the pure, unselfish, giving of my community; no questions, no quibbles, you were all there – and we will forever appreciate that.
I am also thankful for my husband who became quite creative in our dinners when we started to run out of staples and frozen meat options 😀
We survived 14 days, and came out of it with a much emptier freezer!
Even though our quarantine period is done, we will continue to socially isolate/distance as much as we can
Stay healthy, my friends.