Afternoon cycling T1D strategy
Sport in the afternoon can be a challenge for active type-1s like me. Here I explore a few options with insulin dosing and carb intake prior to an afternoon cycling session.
Sport in the afternoon can be a challenge for active type-1s like me. Here I explore a few options with insulin dosing and carb intake prior to an afternoon cycling session.
My first professional speaking gig on sport nutrition with type-1 diabetes is booked and I am super stoked!!!
With Covid-19 calling on me to do more fasted runs than I’m used to, I looked to the science for the T1D specific recommendations and then weighed those with reality.
With Covid-19 calling on me to do more fasted runs than I’m used to, I looked to the science for the T1D specific recommendations and then weighed those with reality.
I was in the right place at the right time, wearing the most perfect hoody, to take on sport nutrition awareness and advocacy.