My Blog

Diabetic to Dietetics


Merry Spockmas! No? Merry Fishmas! No? Merry Christmas! YES! To you and yours with love xoxo Princess, Big Ring and Little Ring

Guest post: French in the house

Dear Life, please stop getting in the way of the important stuff, like, I don’t know, posting my blogs! I have a triple jillion written and half written posts, but…

Like a rag doll

I went for a mid, work-day run yesterday. It was windy. Like really windy. Every which way I turned, I was being whipped around like a rag doll in the…

All she needed were pom-poms

The other day I ran past a little girl, about two or three, who was skipping alongside her mom. “She’s running!” the girl announced. “Why is she running?” “Because she’s…

This is diabetes

Over the years I’ve heard time and time again low blood sugar episodes being compared to inebriation. I’ve never really related to that comment though. Maybe it’s because I’m not…

Cooking up Brussels

October 13, 2013: Cook’s Country  – October/November issue Brussels Sprouts Salad Please excuse the ugly bowl, my family is much too large to be served by my pretty bowls Last…