cycling with type-1 diabetes

Spotting sunflowers while cycling with type-1 diabetes

Diabetes dietitian takes on BC cycling fondo with T1D

Let the training begin – this type-1 diabetes dietitian, with T1D, has a cycling fondo booked in BC in T minus 4 months! After 2 years of no running races or cycling events, I have entered the Okanagan Gran Fondo for this July. It’s the second bike fondo I’ve ever done; the first was in pursuit of a Tiffany’s necklace 🙂 I’ll be doing this one alongside my husband, which I’m super excited for. But also nervous. The distance is 120 km. I’ve only done that distance once previously and we had a LOT of snack breaks in between. This fondo will be very different from that. So you know what that means? I need to up my training and nutrition game. Strategizing the physical component Currently my exercise regime is about 4-6 days a week, which includes: Two to three intense 30-45 minute bike rides on the Peloton One […]

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Registered dietitian Katie Bartel reflects on 34 years with type-1 diabetes

Type-1 Diabetes: the 34-year diaversary

Katie Bartel’s type-1 diabetes turns 34 today. In this “diaversary” themed post, the registered dietitian takes time to reflect on the achievements she’s had with type-1 diabetes constantly at her side.

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T1D Looks Like Me – Climbing Burnaby Mountain

When my Saturday Cycling Friend suggested we ride Burnaby Mountain I gave her a big fat no – for 4 straight months! And then one day, I said yes.

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Clips: The Bane of my Cycling Existence

Alright my cycling-loving readers, how many of you struggle with clipless pedals? I’ve been riding clipped in for six years now; my first ever ride in clips was on the Belgian cobblestones on a proper Flanderian cold, wet day, which was all sorts of scary, especially when the sirens of an ambulance started blaring right behind me in a funky roundabout moments after I started riding and I had no idea what to do beyond veering right and pretty much riding into a parked car to stop myself. Least I didn’t fall over. Least there was no one in the car. Belgium 2010: My first foray with clipless pedals. But I digress. So yeah, six years, and for the most part I’m pretty okay in them. At times I struggle getting my right foot clipped in after a stoplight, but usually the left foot, my leading foot, I’ve got no

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