That time of year

Humidity: I went out for a run today; the first in over a week. Two seconds in I was a hot, sweaty, sticky, icky mess: Swarms: There were bugs, oh yes, lots and lots of bugs. Sticking to my face, finding their way into my eyes, up my nose, down my throat. Protein! People: Oh people. Despite the torrential downpour just a couple hours earlier, the people and their dogs were out in masses at the first blink of the sun. Which, in itself, not a huge deal. But when they walk around with entitlement and disregard for everyone else around them, it, well, it kind of makes me want to pretend I don’t see them and just kind of, you know, barrel right through them. I may have anger management issues 😉 Restart: Today’s run, I left my ipod and Garmin at home. I’ve done this a few times […]

That time of year Read More »