T1D, Sport, and the Oral Receptors
Did you know you don’t even have to swallow Swedish Berries (or whatever your carb of choice) to get a boost of energy? True story!
Did you know you don’t even have to swallow Swedish Berries (or whatever your carb of choice) to get a boost of energy? True story!
When the recommendations for T1D in sport are largely based on a non-diabetes population, it’s high time we call them out and start telling them what we need.
There was once a time, long before I was happily set up with my Freestyle Libre, when I wouldn’t leave the house without a glucometer, finger pricker, lancets and test strips. And there was once a time I locked all that in my car just as I was about to embark on a 32 km training run – and my keys were locked in a building of which I had no access to.
Wasn’t it just the other day I was shouting to the world PERSONAL BEST! PERSONAL BEST! PERSONAL BEST! Why yes it was, and last Saturday I was singing those glories again. Some may say this one has a stain of stipulation to it, and this is my response to them: You say 10.4, I say …
(It’s taken me longer than I intended to post this second part of my Vancouver First Half half marathon recap; again, I blame chemistry.) So where were we? Oh right, I had just kicked my last personal best out of the park, knocking off a solid four minutes. And oh how I wish I could …